Wednesday 26 November 2014

Task Three Developing Editing Techniques/ Task two in camera editing

Task two in camera editing

Me and my group partners Elwyn and Samreena created a clip of in camera editing, we carried out what was needed. In the clip we did some mistakes i think the mistakes was done because we wasn't clear of what had to be done at some points. There was too many talking and breaks which was not meant to happen we couldn't edit it so these mistakes had to be part of the clip.

Task Three developing Editing techniques/Task two in camera editing

Developments within editing have incredible improved since its creation, they have been designed to add meaning to the invisible art. Editing has been the key success to all films that we watch today, without an editor there is no point making a film. Editing has been around for decades now and has dramatically changed the ways we watch movies and has changed the world of cinema.

Editing began to be introduced in the 1900's the pioneer for this was Edwin. S. Porter a director for Thomas Edison's company. He discovered that the cutting and pasting together of film strips could create film with a story line that would would engage with the audience. There are a couple of aspects to the development of editing.

In Camera editing means creating a film by taking series of carefully constructed shots, in the sequence in which they will appear with no subsequent. As years go on editing continues to develop, an example of this would be in camera editing. In camera is editing without post production editing, it means creating a film by taking a series of carefully constructed shots and putting them together without the extra process take multiple takes and editing the rushes of takes. A lot of practice is needed to be done in order to make sure that everything is done accurately with hardly an retakes. A scene can't be filmed several times from a different angel creating  a bank of shots from which they are able to pick the best shots after. They use to pause the camera when needed and then press play when they wanted to start filming again. Although this process is tine saving it means that they can complete the film ten and there on set, it is difficult to get right and requires a set if very strict rules and a set of very talented cast and crew.

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