Tuesday 6 January 2015

Task Seven – Understanding Continuity Editing

Task seven- Understanding continuity editing

Continuity editing is when it is edited as easily as possible and flows so the audience does not realise or are distracted by the editing, each shot is to link into each other and have a clear importance so that the audience can see how each shot goes together without realising the editing done to the film. When some editors deliberately they are not smooth or continuous, this type of editing is noticed by audiences and is done purposely in some cases. This type of editing is called discontinuity editing. An example of continuity editing is the scene from Amazing spider-man as we see spider-man begins to run in a long shot, he then starts picking up the pace in a close-up of his feet and then we see two medium shots of him preparing to jump off a building.

180 degree rule

The 180 degree rule is another type of an editing technique used.  The 180 degree rule is also known as the axis of action, the axis action is an imaginary line between two of the main characters, and it basically shows where the cameras should be set to keep screen direction and continuity. The 180 degree rule is also used for continuity editing to move the narrative along. This means in a scene where the characters are talking, the camera must stay on one side of the axis of action so that the viewers are not confused.

Match on action 

Match on action is an editing technique for continuity editing it is when one shot cuts to another shot representing the action of the subject in the first shot. This creates the impression of a sense of continuity- the action which draws the viewer’s away from the slight cutting or continuity issues. 

Shot Reverse Shot

This is a shot that views the action from the opposite side of the previous shot, as during a conversation between two actors, giving the effect of looking from one actor to the other.
In the picture below the first shot is a over the shoulder shot of the woman talking then it reveres to the woman's shoulder of a shot where the man is talking and then finally back to the woman for her to speak again.

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